

MXDIA Technology Co., Ltd. holds
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「MXDIA®」「乂媒体®」, protected by Chinese law.
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About Us


Beijing Shouyi Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2005, focusing on the integration of resources in the creative industry. It is an internet technology company that provides online communication services for designers. Shouyi Technology owns three major service brands: 「MXDIA® Creative Community」, 「TVtalk.cn®」, and 「ADSWORLD」. These brands respectively offer online community services for creative design, website building and maintenance services, and brand promotion services. Shouyi Technology is also the organizer of the "BIRTV Film and Television Production Special Lecture" at the Beijing International Radio, TV & Film Exhibition. Shouyi Technology's service platforms cover over 3,000 enterprises and more than 80,000 professional designers in the film and television advertising industry. With fifteen years of industry resource accumulation, Shouyi Technology has witnessed the enlightenment and development of China's film and television production and animation design fields and will continue to provide more innovative services for the development of the Chinese creative industry with the concept of "progressing together with industry elites".



MXDIA® Creative Community


MXDIA Creative Community (www.mxdia.com) was founded in 2005, formerly known as the TVtalk.cn forum, and adopted the new brand name "MXDIA乂Media Creative Community" in 2016. MXIDA is committed to providing high-quality industry exchange services for the creative industry. It has 80,000 registered members, 20,000 design cases, and has held more than 160 lectures. It provides online communication and industry collaboration services for design elites, creative teams, and corporate users in animation design, film and television production, advertising media, and other fields. MXDIA's content includes creative community, case display, industry recruitment, special lectures, brand promotion, and industry research.


The creative community provides an online communication platform for designers, where registered users can publish works and participate in interactive comments. Various creative video works can be exchanged and displayed here, seeking recognition and discussing experiences. A designer is a genius profession, but no one is born a genius. Being in the company of industry leaders enables one to have a broad vision and ambition.


Brand promotion services are aimed at promoting within the industry. Industry recognition is the best endorsement for enterprises to obtain high-quality resources in the industry. The higher the industry recognition, the easier it is for enterprises to gain the trust of peers and carry out cooperation, and to attract excellent talents to join. MXDIA covers many practitioners and enterprises in the creative industry, making it an excellent medium for promoting corporate brands and personal brands. MXDIA is an open space for enterprises and designers to promote themselves. Numerous industry-leading enterprises and elite designers have started from here and reached the center stage of the industry, becoming well-known brands in the industry. Relying on precise dissemination within the vertical industry and years of resource accumulation, MXDIA can help enterprises quickly enhance their recognition in the industry.


The recruitment service is based on the creative community, where enterprises and designers display their works and strengths online. MXDIA allows online viewing of the works, comments, work history, activity level, and other social information of enterprises and designers, enabling both parties to understand each other more intuitively and comprehensively, thereby making recruitment and job hunting more efficient.


BIRTV Film and Television Production Special Lecture

「BIRTV影视制作专题讲座」是每年BIRTV展会期间的最受关注的系列峰会活动之一,由BIRTV组委会主办,MXDIA承办。自2009年起,BIRTV影视制作专题讲座已经连续举办十一届,累计已举办一百余场次,每年到场观众超一千余人次,每届活动音视频报道在线浏览量超10万。讲座内容涉及电影、电视、新媒体等领域中最新最受关注的技术、创意、管理等方面的议题,主讲嘉宾来自Base FX、天工异彩、MORE VFX、视点映画、每日视界、聚光绘影、HOMEBOY、湖南卫视、中视前卫、幻维数码、4K花园、The Foundry、ftrack、零零发科技等国内外顶级制作和技术团队。演讲主题包括《变形金刚》《诸神之怒》《少年派》《捉妖记》《流浪地球》《一出好戏》《扶摇》《香蜜》《陈情令》《长安十二时辰》等中外顶级特效影视剧案例,以及中央电视台、北京卫视、东方卫视、湖南卫视等众多国内优秀纪录片、媒体品牌形象包装案例和众多知名品牌广告案例。MXDIA提供历届讲座视频在线查阅,数百场讲座视频记录了一个行业每一个闪光的足迹。

"BIRTV Film and Television Production Special Lecture" is one of the most popular series of summit activities during the annual BIRTV exhibition, hosted by the BIRTV organizing committee and undertaken by MXDIA. Since 2009, the BIRTV Film and Television Production Special Lecture has been held for eleven consecutive sessions, with over a hundred sessions held, attracting more than a thousand attendees each year, and each event's audio and video reports have over 100,000 online views. The lecture topics cover the latest and most concerned technologies, creativity, and management issues in the fields of film, television, and new media. The keynote speakers come from top domestic and foreign production and technical teams such as Base FX, Tiangong Yicai, MORE VFX, VISION, Daily View, Bright Pictures, HOMEBOY, Hunan Satellite TV, CCTV, Phantom Digital, 4K Garden, The Foundry, ftrack, and Linglingfa Technology. The lecture themes include top special effects film and television drama cases such as "Transformers", "Wrath of the Titans", "Life of Pi", "Monster Hunt", "The Wandering Earth", "A Good Show", "Fuyao", "The Journey of Flower", "The Untamed", "The Longest Day in Chang'an", as well as many excellent domestic documentary, media brand image packaging cases and numerous well-known brand advertisement cases from CCTV, Beijing TV, Dragon TV, Hunan Satellite TV, etc. MXDIA provides online viewing of previous lecture videos, with hundreds of lecture videos recording every shining footprint of the industry.


Beijing International Radio, TV & Film Exhibition (BIRTV) was founded in 1987 and is an advanced platform leading the development trend of China's radio and television technology. For more than twenty years, BIRTV has become the third largest international radio and television exhibition in the world and the first in Asia. BIRTV has an exhibition area of 100,000 square meters, with over 500 Chinese and foreign exhibitors, attracting more than 50,000 professional visitors from China and abroad.